Friday 17 November 2017

Houses losing value? Blasphemy. But it happens in Japan. ニュージーランドでは価格が上昇する一方です。

A story from The Guardian about the age of houses in Japan.

shirakawa-go in Japan in the winter season japanese village Shirakawago located in Gifu Prefecture. Traditional village Japan's UNESCO World Heritage

A very interesting read into why houses lose value in Japan. There are various reasons, with the falling population of course being right up there. 
There is also a lack of immigration, and that the houses are built with a limited lifespan in mind.
Up in our neck of the woods, the harsh winters of course exact their toll on the housing stock.
There is talk of more refurbishing,or 'renewal' as they say here. I can speak for that. In my neighborhood, which typifies all the reasons outlined in the article, a lot of houses are being refurbished. Young families who can't afford Sapporo, or who don't want to live in a shoebox, are refurbishing and settling round me. Which is nice, as I could take you for a five minute walk from my house and point to at least ten abandoned houses. 
I found this story interesting as I see what it is about every day here.

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