The headings are links to relevant pages too. How convenient.
The undisputed king of Japanese burger joints. I love Mosburger, as does almost everyone. The thing about Mosburger is that the burgers actually look like the pictures. They make them with care, and you will always get a good burger. They make burgers with rice buns instead of bread buns. Taste alright too.
For some reason, their onion rings are insanely more expensive than their fries.
Just a heads up, if you ask for French Fries in Mosburger or anywhere else, you will get very little love. You must ask for 'furai pototo'. That one's for free.
Soon to be featured over on my Eigomenu website, as they have full English menus, you will not find a cheaper, more filling feed than at Sukiya. They are a -don restaurant, which means they have a variety of dishes which are served in a bowl over rice. They taste good, and are as cheap as chips (or don in this case). They have started doing curries, but I say stick to the don.
First Kitchen
I know nothing about this restaurant as they don't have branches in Hokkaido. Wikipedia informs me that they had issues regarding their colloquial name, which was
ファッキン (Fakkin for those who can't read katakana.). Big lol.
If anyone can tell me anything about this place, please do in the comments.
Yoshinoya is well over a hundred years old. Their website (linked in the title) has been written in very nice English, which shows to me that they care about the little things. Another beef bowl restaurant (meat on rice), it is a safe bet for a good cheap feed. They are two a penny all over Japan. They are really aiming to be the market leader, and as such have developed English menus.
Great place for a cheap, tasty, quick, filling nosh.
Everyone likes a good Japanese curry. My mum likes it so much, when she went Shanghai that's what she ate. Coco Ichiban is the place to get heaps of different things in your curry. If you go over to the website (linked in the name above), you will find the menu in about six different languages. Impressive.
Another hint for free, curry tastes better the next day, so get some and put it in the fridge. Take it out the next day and enjoy. Trust me.
Pizza La
This has got me in a bit of a spot. I have always told anyone who cared to listen that the best pizza in Japan was the Combo pizza from the Costco food court. It's grand.
This place has mad kinds of pizza. Crab and mayo, Bulgogi, Pumpkin, Sausage and thick-sliced bacon with meat sauce, and of course, a heart-shaped pizza, and Hawaiin.
They've also got fried chicken and stuff, but I say stick to pizza at a pizza place.
Not cheap though. What's with that? I can go to a restaurant and have a good feed and two hours all you can drink for the price of one of their large pizzas? Crazy.
Ichiran Ramen
Can't say I've been here. Akiko would know. I'll have to ask her. I googled it and there is a lot of people saying a lot of good things. One thing I did find is that they pride themselves on the lack of interaction you need to have with anyone. It was established to cater for shy high school girls. You buy a ticket from a machine (don't know if they are in English), get your ramen and eat it in a booth where noone can see you slurp. There are pictures over on eiher link.
So there you go. A list of the best according to Tofugu, and they would know.
They list a few others, so pop over to the link at the top.
And remember, if you are in Hakodate, and only Hakodate, you have to go into Lucky Pierrot.
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