Saturday, 14 April 2018

写真で英語の文法と単語うを習う #2 - Ben Nevis Cemetery

Welcome to the Make Sense blog. What we're going to do here is learn English vocab through photos, taken by myself in the beginning, or with submissions from you beautiful people out there.

I will explain the photo, then break down my explanation in English and Japanese. If you have any questions, please ask. I have also included the phonetics to help pronunciation.

This is a photo of me in the very small cemetery located in the Ben Nevis region of Otago, New Zealand.
The Ben Nevis Valley is on the opposite side of the Remarkables from Queenstown.
While it is still farmed, the valley is a shadow of its former self. Some 150 years ago, gold fever hit the Ben Nevis, and for a period it was a populated, lively, vibrant gold-mining town. 
This cemetery, along with the remains of the searches are all that is left to remind visitors of the valley's former glory.
I spent a night camping there, relaxing next to the crystal clear waters of the Nevis River.

cemetery (ˈsɛmɪtri/) noun: a large burial ground, especially one not in a churchyard.
日本語:墓地, 墓場, 霊園

valley (/ˈvali/) noun: low area of land between hills or mountains, typically with a river or stream flowing through it
日本語:谷, 間, 渓谷

shadow of its former self (ˈʃadəʊ/) idiom: someone or something that is not as strong, powerful, or useful as it once was
vibrant (/ˈvʌɪbr(ə)nt/) adjective: full of energy and life
日本語:鮮やか, 瑞々しい

glory (ˈɡlɔːri/) noun: magnificence or great beauty
日本語:栄華, 栄え 

While it is still farmed, the valley is a shadow of its former self. 

Its only ever has an アポストロフィ if it is a 接続詞. A common mistake by native English speakers. 気を付けて。

It's a shadow of its former self. = It is a shadow of its former self.

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