Saturday, 14 April 2018

写真で英語の文法と単語うを習う #1 - The verandah at my family home.

Welcome to the Make Sense blog. What we're going to do here is learn English vocab through photos, taken by myself in the beginning, or with submissions from you beautiful people out there.

I will explain the photo, then break down my explanation in English and Japanese. If you have any questions, please ask. I have also included the phonetics to help pronunciation.

This photo is of the verandah at my parents’ house. Our family have lived there since 1990. The Whanganui River is in the background. Straight behind the verandah is a cherry tree. It blooms in spring, which is in September/October.
The roof of the verandah is fibreglass, so the sun can come through, but the rain can't.
There is a nice wooden table with chairs, so we can eat our meals out there if we want.
We usually cook inside, but you can see the bbq there which is used a lot in summer.

verandah (vəˈrandə/)  noun: a roofed platform along the outside of a house, level with the ground floor.
日本語: ベ  

bloom (bluːm/) verb: produce flowers; be in flower.
straight (/streɪt/) adverb: in a straight line; directly
日本語: 一路 
fibreglass  (/ˈfʌɪbəɡlɑːs/) noun: a reinforced plastic material composed of glass fibres embedded in a resin matrix.
日本語: 繊維

Our family have lived there since 1990.

 have lived  We use the present perfect (現在完了形) here to show something started in the past,and continues in the present. My family started living there in 1990, and still live there now.

since/for When you talk about an activity or state beginning at a particular time in the past you use since (since 1990). If you use for, you are talking about a length of time. (My family have lived there for 28 years.
since = starting point, for = length of time

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