Sunday, 13 August 2017

アイスクリームが溶けない方法 Ice cream that doesn't melt #icecream

Find out about non-melting icecream over on the Make Sense FB page

英語ではアイスクリームはice cream、アイスはice。もしあなたがこの事を知らなくて海外で注文したらガッカリしちゃいますよー。
In English, ice cream is ice cream, and ice is ice. Remember that when you ask a foreigner, to avoid disappointment.
The clever folk at Kanazawa University have worked out a way to make ice cream that doesn't melt. (it's all about polyphenols from strawberries) Amazing!!
Can they take this new technology and create beer that always stays cold? That would make sense.

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