Wednesday, 16 August 2017

日本で仕事探してる?忍者になってみる? So you want to be a ninja?

Pop over to the Make Sense Facebook page if you like to use FB

佐賀の肥前夢街道ではたった3人の忍者が働いている。北海道の登別伊達時代村はもっとスタッフが欲しくて大変!Make Senseのブログでリンクににあるよどうしてこうなったのな?子供達や観光客は忍者が大好き!でも忍者になりたい人が少ない。この状況に忍者村議会はオリンピックの開催が近いので心配している。
もし誰かが忍者になりたいと思っていたらシェアお願いします。( ^ω^ )
Need a job in Japan? Come and be a ninja. Ninja Village Hizenyumekaidou in Saga only have three ninja on the payroll. Noboribetsu Date Jidaimura are crying out for more staff.
How has this happened? Kids love ninjas. Tourists love ninjas. Not enough people want to be ninjas. And with the Olympics around the corner, the Japan Ninja Council is worried.
If you think anyone may want to be a ninja, share this to help everyone out.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

ビックリ Kikkoman banned in the United Arab Emirates!

The United Arab Emirates (where Dubai is) has banned Kikkoman. Why? Because it has alcohol in it. The full list is linked over on the Make Sense blog (
The alcohol is created through the fermentation process, wheat starch becomes sugar, which becomes alcohol.
Kikkoman is only about 1.5-2% alcohol, so stick with beer. It tastes better too.
If you like this, then Like it. It you want to Share it, go ahead.

Sunday, 13 August 2017

アイスクリームが溶けない方法 Ice cream that doesn't melt #icecream

Find out about non-melting icecream over on the Make Sense FB page

英語ではアイスクリームはice cream、アイスはice。もしあなたがこの事を知らなくて海外で注文したらガッカリしちゃいますよー。
In English, ice cream is ice cream, and ice is ice. Remember that when you ask a foreigner, to avoid disappointment.
The clever folk at Kanazawa University have worked out a way to make ice cream that doesn't melt. (it's all about polyphenols from strawberries) Amazing!!
Can they take this new technology and create beer that always stays cold? That would make sense.

スーパー高い建物 Tokyo's mile-high skyscraper to the tallest in the world

Check out the link on the Make Sense FB page.

「skyscraper」は 複合語だっていう事。
「scrape」は動詞で、意味は「引っ掻く」みたいな感じ。もしビルがすごく高かったら, 空を引っ掻いてるみたいでしょ。なるほど!
好き、又は シェア お願いします。( ^ω^ )
Who knew about this? Not me.
But did you know that skyscraper is a compound word. Sky is of course the sky, and scrape is a verb which means to scratch, or scrape along something. The buildings are so high they 'scrape' the sky. Makes Sense. The word was first used in the 1880s in Chicago.
Also, a mile is 1.61 kms.
If there's anyone else you think needs to know this, Share and Like.
Thank you.

Our garden. 僕たちのはたけ

A tour of our garden, and a tour of language. Different names for different vegetables, with a dash of Kiwi slang.

So many veges. Any questions, just ask.


Make Sense